Dr Harivinod N

Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, 

St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru


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Roles and Responsibilities at SJEC

Employment History

Educational Qualification

Subjects taught 

Research Interest

Teaching and Research Philosophy

Why I become a teacher? I am frequently questioned about when I made the decision to become a teacher or guru. I choose teaching by choice not by chance. May be the blessings of my parents made me to choose this profession.  More importantly I strongly believed teaching is a work of heart and the most important quality of a guru is his speech. The perfection in teaching learning will happen only when we enjoy it. As a faculty in CSE, I believe I comprehend the educational system, realize how I fit into the system as a whole, and grasp how I may contribute to the overall learning process in CSE.

Teaching-Learning: I've always been a teacher, and I'll always be a learner. The great aspect of teaching and learning is how closely related they are. I have had amazing teachers and mentors who have been able to impart to me not only the academic subjects but also to address new issues with cutting-edge research. Giving my pupils confidence in their capacity for critical thought and in their capacity to communicate their knowledge to others is, in my opinion, of highest importance when it comes to teaching.

Student Engagement: Encouragement of student confidence in their talents does not entail that they should get any form of hand-holding from the professor or be led through their courses step-by-step. According to my experience, we learn best when a subject is difficult and we am urged to use our own judgment. Diversity in the classroom encompasses a range of learning methods in addition to gender and socioeconomic differences. The availability of a wide range of useful resources better prepares pupils for an equal learning experience. Additionally, I believe that it is crucial for teachers to be open and honest with their students about expectations and course requirements.

Research:  Research allows us to pursue our interests, to learn something new, to improve our problem-solving skills and to challenge yourself in new ways. Machine Learning and Computer Vision is the area of my interest. I am interested and enthusiastic to develop Artificial Intelligence based applications for the betterment of the society. I impart my research experience to my students during mentoring of Project Work.